
The Department of Public Safety and Security oversees parking on campus and is available to assist with parking matters at any time.

Visit the Public Safety office to pick up parking passes, appeal parking violations, or for assistance with any parking needs.

Parking on Campus

View map of campus parking lots.

Parking Permits

  • All students, staff, faculty, and visitors must obtain a parking permit for their vehicle(s) in order to park on campus.
  • Obtaining a permit is not a guarantee of a specific parking space at a particular time.
  • Resident students must display a “Resident Student” decal on their vehicle.
  • Student permits are not transferable from one vehicle to another. If you purchase a new vehicle, the Public Safety office will issue a replacement sticker, free of charge.
  • Each student may be issued up to two permits.
  • Second or replacement permits may be obtained at any time.

Temporary Parking Permits

Vehicles with temporary registration plates must display a Temporary Parking Permit on the driver’s side dashboard whenever the vehicle is parked on campus.

Medical/Handicapped Permits

If you have a temporary or permanent medical condition that limits your walking distances, you may obtain a special permit from the state in which you reside, which will provide handicapped parking privileges for a specified period of time.


All payments, including fines for Parking Violations, are to be made through the Student Accounts office.

  • Student Parking Fee: $75.00 per year
  • Temporary Parking Permits: Free


  1. No person shall operate a motor vehicle on campus property at a speed greater than that which is reasonable and prudent under the conditions.
  2. No person shall operate a motor vehicle on campus property while under the influence of intoxicating liquor and/or drugs.
  3. No person shall park a vehicle on Rivier University property which displays any signs or stickers that contain language, pictures, or slogans that contradict the University’s mission or that are deemed offensive. Offensive language, pictures, or slogans would include those which would be likely to draw a rating above PG if it were being rated as a movie due to its strong, graphic or crude language, its sexual content, its crude humor, or its references to violence, nudity, or illicit drugs.
  4. The driver of any vehicle involved in a motor vehicle accident on campus property MUST immediately report the accident to Public Safety.
  5. Campus policy mandates that vehicles will be booted or towed off campus at the owner’s expense after six parking violations have been acquired on a person’s record.
  6. Prohibited Parking:
    1. Fire Lanes
    2. Walkways
    3. Lawns
    4. Handicapped spaces, without an appropriate permit
    5. Obstructing Snow Removal
    6. Any area other than a marked parking space, designated by a solid white line painted on either side, unless otherwise posted
    7. An unregistered vehicle anywhere on campus
    8. Any Resident Student Only Parking Lot without a special “Resident” permit
  7. Resident students will only be allowed to park in the reserved resident student parking lots or any of the Overflow parking lots, except during the weekends.
  8. Overnight Parking (Between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m.)
    1. Residents: Must park in any of the Resident Student Only Parking Lots or any of the Overflow parking lots.
    2. Visitors: Must park in Parking Lot K or in the Muldoon Health and Fitness Center Parking Lot J.
  9. Weekend Parking: Any parking lot can be used for parking by anyone on the weekends. Weekends are defined as 5 p.m. Friday afternoon until midnight on Sunday evening.
  10. Parking Fines: All fines for parking violations are $25 except for Impeding Snow Removal and Fire Lane Violations which are $50. Handicap Space Violations are $75 and the first offense for not having a valid parking sticker displayed is a warning.

Appeal of Parking Violation

Anyone wishing to appeal a Parking Violation must do so in writing within five days of the violation to the Director of Public Safety, Rivier University, 420 South Main St., Nashua, NH 03060-5086. You can also appeal your violation online.

Boot Policy

The Public Safety Department is authorized to immobilize (boot) or remove illegally parked vehicles from Rivier University parking lots or from other real property under the control of Rivier University at the owner’s expense, under the following circumstances and subject to the following conditions:

  • Any vehicle that is left unattended and its presence at the place where unattended, in the judgment of an officer of the Public Safety Department, constitutes a safety hazard to persons or property, or because of an emergency or because the vehicle is obstructing traffic or because the vehicle is not properly registered with the State of NH or the Rivier University Public Safety Department.
  • Vehicles with six or more parking violations may also be immobilized.

When a vehicle is booted by an officer of the Public Safety Department:

  • The Public Safety Officer shall affix to the vehicle a notice visible to any driver, directing the owner or operator not to move the vehicle, to not attempt to remove the boot and to contact the Public Safety Department.
  • If a violation of these regulations is also involved, a citation for the violation shall be issued and a copy affixed to the vehicle.
  • The Public Safety Officer that boots a vehicle will attempt to contact the owner to inform them that their vehicle has been booted.
  • The vehicle owner or his/her authorized representative will be required to pay the $75 fee plus any ticket fees to the Rivier University Business Office to have the boot removed. If the person has been classified as a “Habitual Violator”, they will be charged a $100 boot removal fee. If the Business Office is closed, the vehicle owner or his/her authorized representative will have to obtain a money order for the amount due. The money order must be made out to Rivier University’s Office of Student Financial Services.
  • An additional fee of $25 will be charged for every 24-hour period that the boot remains on a vehicle.
  • After 96 hours, if the vehicle remains booted it will be towed from Rivier University’s property. If the vehicle is towed from campus, the owner will be responsible for any additional fees charged by the tow service.
  • Any unauthorized person who attempts to remove or vandalize the boot will be subject to a fine of $500 and possible criminal charges.

Snow Emergencies

When the University is closed due to a snowstorm, on-campus parking will be restricted to Resident lots and Overflows lots. In this instance, Commuter lots should not be used unless otherwise directed.

Visitors and Guests of Resident Students

Vehicles belonging to students’ guests must be registered with the Department of Public Safety. The Temporary Parking Permit issued must be displayed on the driver’s side dashboard whenever the vehicle is parked on campus. Vehicles must park in the following parking lots:

  • Lot J Health and Fitness Center Parking Lot
  • Lot K Parking Lot

Theft Prevention

Although Public Safety personnel regularly patrol parking areas, it is ultimately your responsibility to safeguard valuables left in your vehicle. Lock your vehicle at all times when you park on campus. Rivier University shall not be held responsible for the loss of or damage to vehicles or their contents while parked on campus.

Escort Services

Upon request, the Public Safety office is available to provide escorts between parking areas and buildings, as well as building to building. For assistance, contact the Public Safety Office or utilize one of the blue light HELP Call Boxes on campus.


Department of Public Safety and Security